Replacement Therapy Options

The Montana Tobacco Quit Line is now offering combination Nicotine Replacement Therapy for callers who are ready to work on quitting tobacco and may need extra help combating cravings during the initial quitting period. Two weeks of free short acting nicotine products, the nicotine gum and lozenge, are now available to augment the use of the nicotine patch or the prescription medication bupropion to provide extra help in overcoming cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

When people call the Montana Tobacco Quit Line, the Quit Coaches will discuss these options and if combination therapy is appropriate. They will provide education to make sure the individual understands how to effectively use these short acting nicotine products in combination with other forms of medications.

The Montana Tobacco Quit Line is a free service for Montanans who are ready to work towards quitting any form of tobacco. Quit Coaches help the caller develop a personalized quit plan, discuss medication options, and provide ongoing support. This opportunity to receive combination therapy will continue as supplies last. The Quit Line is open seven days a week and can be reached by calling toll-free 800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669). Or call Tobacco Prevention Specialist, Jacklyn Damm at the Richland County Health Department 406-433-2207.


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