Parenting Class for Parents of Tots to Teens

Are you ready for some practical parenting skills that are effective and easy to learn techniques you can use right away?

Use Love and Logic tools to avoid un-winnable power struggles, reduce the whining and arguing from your child, and stay calm even when kids do incredibly upsetting things.

Set enforceable limits that make your parenting words GOLD and not garbage to your child’s ears.

Raise children who are family members rather than demanding dictators!

Help kid learn from their mistakes and become responsible adults.

Join us for Parenting the Love & Logic Way on Wednesdays, January 23, 30, February 6, 13, 20 and 27 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. CT at the Courthouse Meeting Room in Watford City. Please register for this series by calling the McKenzie County Extension Office at 701-444-3451 or e-mail Marcia Hellandsaas at [email protected]. Classes are free of charge.


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