Big Sky Concert Series Brings Family Friendly Alex Zerbe, "The Zaniac" To Perform March 26th At The MonDak Heritage Center

The Northeastern Arts Network Big Sky Concert Season ends in a bang on Thursday, March 26th with Alex Zerbe – "The Zaniac". Alex is a two-time Guinness World Record holder who was voted Seattle's Funniest Prop Comic. He has appeared on prime-time television in three countries including the hit NBC TV shows, "America's Got Talent!" and "Last Comic Standing." Alex is a Hacky Sack World Champion, half of the award-winning comedy act, Brothers from Different Mothers, and, as if that wasn't amazing enough, he was ranked Seattle's 3rd Best Air Guitarist! Alex Zerbe's comedy show is a dynamic array of amazing stunts, physical comedy and audience participation.

A self-described "human cartoon", his show isn't only for the kids in the family. "I try to make my show like the movie Shrek, super entertaining for the kids but there's a whole other level of comedy for teens and adults," says Zerbe.

Don't miss the finale of the season! This concert will be held at the MonDak Heritage Center at 7:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the door, $15/Adults, $13/Srs., and $10/Students. For additional concert information contact Candy Markwald 406-488-4155, Jill Hill 406-489-4304, or Karen Boehler 406-433-4375.

The Big Sky Series is made possible in part by through grant support from Montana's Cultural Trust, Montana Arts Council, National Endowment for the Arts, the Montana Performing Arts Consortium and the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF).


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