Richland County Specialists Attend Alcohol Education Summit

In May, Prevention Specialists from Richland County attended the 2015 Alcohol Education Summit in Bozeman. The summit was free and open to Montana law enforcement personnel, City/County Attorneys, judges, DUI Task Force members, Let’s Control It state certified trainers, health prevention specialists, and community coalition members. Topics covered a wide range of liquor related issues to help Montana move forward in responsible alcohol sales/service and consumption.

Nicole Hackley-Prevention Services Director for District II Alcohol and Drug Program, and Melissa Kostelecky-Prevention Project Coordinator for District II attended the Summit. Classes they attended included alcohol over-service compliance checks, Montana Driver Control updates, DUI Case Law and Legislative updates, alcohol and drugs in rural communities, an update from the Liquor License Bureau, the 24/7 Program, and the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. They bring this information back to the community to help prevent underage drinking, drinking and driving and binge drinking.

Mary Sundheim, Richland County DUI Task Force Coordinator attended several of the breakout sessions that would allow her to bring back education and awareness information to the task force. Some of the sessions she attended covered topics such as: The new DUI laws, Let’s Control It trainer updates, impact of liquor privatization, funding programs, law enforcement liaisons programs, and conducting alcohol compliance checks. She will be able to incorporate some of the information into the coming year’s work plan allowing the task force to address DUI Crashes.

Following the summit, the Richland County DUI Task Force and District II Alcohol & Drug are planning a similar event for Eastern Montana early next year. The event will offer education, awareness and information for everyone in the community. Law enforcement, Judicial, Medical providers, Establishment Owners/managers, Policy makers, Business owners, Community members and our youth. If you are interested in attending a planning meeting on June 23rd at 10:00 am for this event, please contact Mary Sundheim at 433-2207.


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