Richland County Fair to Hold Limited Events

Although the traditional Richland County Fair and Rodeo has been cancelled due to Coronavirus concerns, some of the 4-H and school portions will still be conducted.

Richland County 4-H’s events will look very differently this year with health and safety in mind. Officials are excited that youth will get to complete their projects.

The livestock sale for Richland County members will start at 3 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 7, with RK Auction conducting the process. This year it’s a virtual sale with an online bidding process.

People will be able to make bids online at There will be phone lines also available for calls.

Catalogs of all the members and their animals will be mailed to anyone who has purchased an animal through the Richland County 4-H livestock sale during the past three years. The catalogs will also be available on the Richland County Extension’s Facebook page.

There will be photos as well as a video for each market animal.

A total of 162 total market animals are scheduled. That figure includes 85 steers, 61 swine, six sheep, six goats, two rabbits and one poultry.

Any questions, call the Extension at 433-1206 or email [email protected]

Richland County commissioners have also approved judging to take place for this year’s school entries for fair.

The process of judging for the school entries will start the week on July 27, and end that week, so as not to interfere with 4-H activities. County Superintendent of Schools Gail Staffanson will coordinate with the schools, judges and staff.

“The students put the effort into doing their projects,” Staffanson said. “There’s some pride there. They’ve already did all the work for it.”

The county will pay for premium prizes, judges and staff.


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