Guest Opinion: Vote for the Person Not the Party

Yvonne Volkman is the best qualified candidate for the position of Clerk of District Court.

She has been trained and employed four years under our present respected clerk, Arlene Riggs and now serves as chief deputy clerk of court.

My experience working with Yvonne has been church related where as a Director of Religious Education and a volunteer, she always has been prepared, efficient, and dedicated to her obligations. I know her to be mature, honest and a very hard worker.

At the forum sponsored by Farm Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture in Sept. the Clerk of District Court candidates were asked if the local Seventh Judicial District Court Judge has confidence in their ability to perform the job.

Yvonne was able to state that Judge Bidegaray has confidence in her abilities. Yvonne Volkman has earned my respect and vote for District Clerk of Court.


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