Speech & Drama Travels to Lewistown

The Sidney Eagles Speech and Drama traveled to Fergus County High School in Lewistown to compete against 15 high schools from across the state.  The fabulous coach Gail Staffanson led the Speech team to a 2nd place finish in Class A Sweeps and The Drama Team took 4th in Class A Sweeps led by coach Christy Pierce. This is how the talented kids placed: Kalen Hance took 1st in Extemp, Lane Lyseng took 3rd in Extemp, Danny Johnson took 6th in Extemp, Michaela Lofthus took 5th in SOI, Kyle Smith took 1st in Impromptu and Michael Waddell took 4th in Impromptu, Tori Hill Placed 1st in MPA while Heather McDonald took 5th in MPA,  Tori Hill took 7th in OO. Emily Schaff took 6th in Humorous Solo, John Elmore took 5th in Serious Solo, Jesse Staffanson & Tess Ler took 6th in Serious Duo. If you are curious about what each of the different categories are, come and check out our dessert theater on Monday, January 14th at 6pm at the MonDak Heritage Center. For $5 you will get dessert and quality entertainment.


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