30th Anniversary Meet

On Saturday, Feb.22, The Sidney Tendo Tae Kwan Do School hosted a meet with the Williston Tae Kwan Do and Judo Academy at the Sidney School, 117 N. Centra to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the Sidney School. Competition in forms and sparring were held.

The results in forms divisions are follows.

In the Adult green belt division, 1st place – Julie Keelin, 2nd place- Brian Rieley. In the 11-12 year old orange belt division, 1st place- Maci Paine, 2nd place- Kearyn Woodwald, 3rd place- Aubrianna Newsom. In the 6 to 9 year old green belt division, 1st place – Hailey Holeworth, 2nd place- Branden Keelin, 3rd place- Dylan Albrecht. In the 10 to 15 year old green belt division, 1st place- Branden Sandecker, 2nd place Samuel Stephenson, 3rd place- Landon Rieley. In the 6 to 11 year old blue belt division, 1st place- Travis Green, 2nd place- Trevor Green, 3rd place- Corey Christensen. In the 12 – 14 year old division, 1st place- Gannon Bjerke, 2nd place- Garrett Paine, 3rd place- Logan Greef. 15 – 18 year old blue belt, 1st place- Felicia Paine, 2nd place- Evitt Flesness, 3rd place- Adam Paine. 12- 15 year old black belt, 1st- Tyler Baxter, 2nd place- Hailey Christensen, 3rd place- Sarah Turek. 16 – 18 year old black belt, 1st place- Brett Flesness, 2nd place- Sawyer Flynn, 3rd place- Garrett Bjerke.

Sparring Results 6-8 years old blue belt, 1st place- Corey Christensen, 2nd place- Branden Keelin, 3rd place- Trevor Green, 3rd place- Dylan Albrecht. 7-9 year old orange belt, 1st place- Kearyn Woodwald, 2nd place- Hailey Holzworth, 3rd place- Maci Paine, 3rd place Aubrianna Newsom. 12-15 year old blue belt and black belt, 1st place- Brandon Sandecker, 2nd place- Hailey Christensen, 3rd place- Gannon Bjerke, 3rd place- Garrett Paine. 7-11 year old blue belt and green belt, 1st place- Samuel Stephenson, 2nd place- Travis Green, 3rd place- Landon Rieley, 3rd place- Ethan Dotson. 14 to 18 year old blue belt, 1st place- Felecia Paine, 2nd place- Logan Greef, 3rd place- Julie Keelin.

Some black belt demonstration matches were held. No results were kept.


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