MFU's Mid-Year Meeting Covers MT Hot Topics

The Montana Farmers Union (MFU) announced open registration for its Mid-Year Meeting, which will take place June 4-5, 2014, in Lewistown at the Yogo Inn.

“The conference this year is sure to interest MFU members and non-members alike,” said MFU President Alan Merrill.  “We have excellent panels discussing everything from Sage Grouse to Water Rights to the Farm Bill.” 

June 4:

BLM Updates – a panel of BLM, MT Fish, Wildlife & Parks, and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service representatives will discuss Sage Grouse, and land and management issues.

Water Uses in MT – an overview of water rights and an update on the status and potential impacts of Tribal Compacts will be discussed by MT DNRC and Interim Legislative Water Committee members.

Chandler Goule, Senior V.P. of Programs, National Farmers Union, will provide a Farm Bill Update.

Celebrating the International Year of the Family Farmer, Bob Shumaker, Alaska Farmers Union President, and Yasinta Shumaker, will discuss farming and co-op development in Zambia.

Evening Dinner will be on the Charlie Russell Chew Choo.

June 5:

Rail Transportation Issues – recent grain car shortages and traffic delays, elevator storage and impacts to the 2014 crop should transportation service not improve will be discussed.

Updates on MT Pulse Crop planting and the potential for Industrial Hemp in Montana will round out the agenda.

Additional information is posted on the MFU website, where online registration is available,


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