Some North Dakota Lakes Suffer Winterkill

North Dakota Game and Fish Department fisheries biologists said despite colder-than-average winter temperatures, not many lakes experienced a fish kill.

Fisheries management section leader Scott Gangl said biologists investigated winterkills at 11 lakes so far this spring, with only a few considered significant enough to affect the quality of fishing this spring.

Lakes that appear to have suffered a significant kill include Leland Dam (McKenzie County), Island Lake (Rolette County) and the State Fair Pond (Ward County).

Fisheries personnel already restocked these lakes with hatchery raised fish, or fish transported from another lake. Gangl said while the State Fair Pond will have catchable fish this summer, fish stocked in Leland Dam and Island Lake will take 2-3 years to be of a catchable size.

Some of the lakes that experienced a minor kill were too insignificant to affect fishing.

Anglers can contact the local Game and Fish Department fisheries district offices to get more information on the status of these lakes, or to report fish kills that may not be on the list.


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