AWEP/RCCP Signup Deadline is June 20

The Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Project (LYIP) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) are announcing the close of signup for the 2014 RCCP (Formerly AWEP) program on June 20, 2014.

The AWEP (Agricultural Water Enhancement Program) was approved for use in the Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Project area from 2010 to 2014 and funds from this program have been used to increase irrigation efficiency on agricultural land within the LYIP boundaries in Montana and North Dakota. Sprinkler irrigation systems have been a high priority for the LYIP in the past due to their high water application efficiency.

The name of the program has changed since the signing of the 2014 Farm Bill and it is now called RCCP (Regional Conservation Partnership Program). “The arrival of the 2014 Farm Bill has created some challenges for us and funding levels are still uncertain at this time” according to Jamie Selting, District Conservationist in the Sidney NRCS Field Office. “It is important that we have applications in place if the funding arrives so we can enter into contracts as soon as possible.” Talk with your local NRCS office regarding funding opportunities in your state.

Producers with land in Montana should contact the Sidney NRCS Field Office at 406-433-2103 or stop in the office at 2745 W Holly St. North Dakota producers should contact the NRCS Office in Watford City at 701-842-3628 or stop in at the office at 109 5th Street SW.

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