Scholarship Fund For At-Risk Students

Jennifer King, Accounting and BPA teacher at Sidney High School, and her Accounting I & II students, started a semester project for at-risk students. “We were thinking of semester projects we could do, and my students decided that they wanted to give back to their fellow students,” said King.

The At-Risk Scholarship fund is a minumum $600 scholarship given to students with lower G.P.A. or different family homes, but who show the drive and motivation to succeed. “We are already almost at our $600 goal after we hosted a middle-school dance. We are hoping with our next event, we will be able to finish that goal as well as have enough for a second $600 scholarship.”

This next event is their Parent/Child Date Night on Fri., Apr. 8 starting at 6:30 p.m. They will be featuring the movie “Home” with catering by Pizza Hut, Sidney. They do encourage RSVP so Accounting knows how much pizza to order. Tickets will be $15 for first parent and child, and $5 for each additional adult and/or child.

The At-Risk Scholarhsip Fund is set up through NHS Dollars For Scholars and is available online at Sidney High School’s website on the high school counselors page.

The Accounting I & II semester project has proven to be a success so far, and they are hoping to continue the At-Risk Scholarship Fund project though the years.


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