MapitFast Provides Real-Time Data

MapitFast is the latest technological tool used by Sidney Sugars to map the most accurate data for use by the growers in determining best practice for their operation. Designed by Ag Terra Technologies, the program is designed to replace the grower data sheets.

Sidney Sugars gets all the data from the grower, including seed varieties, disease, herbicide and fungicide sprays and fertilizers. Now in the second year of use, Sidney Sugars is adding more cultural things such as row spacing and irrigation to get more information on what might make one farm different from another.

Map It Fast also provides more accurate measurement of fields including with a flood situation when the program can accurately measure the flooded acres and determine how much is to be abandoned.

With Strider, a component of MapitFast, each grower has his own identity, with the number of acres. The grower provides data such as what varieties were planted, and how much of each variety if the field is split. Sidney Sugars can then provide a Field Survey Report with data on the plant stage, health, disease and insect intensity. The entire process provides real time data for both the grower and Sidney Sugars.

“Kathryn and James do a great job getting information to the growers,” agricultural manager Duane Peters said. MapitFast and Strider help make their job easier and more efficient.


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