Hay Bale Contest  Winners

Grand Champion - Tractor Supply, Amanda Neuleib accepts the award and $100 Reynolds Market Gift Card, donated by Reynolds. Reserve Champion - The Rush, Megan Garza accepts the award and $50 Reynolds Market Gift Card, donated by Reynolds. People's Choice - The Rush, Megan Garza  is awarded a Popcorn Basket, donated by Party Central and Main Street Popcorn Factory. Third place - The Fairview 4-H Club members Taylee Prewitt, Jake Schlothauer, Carly Buxbaum, Rylee Dean, Kenley Prewitt, Kendal Vitt, Lander Monson, Jace Buxbaum, Brock Schlothauer, Lauren Kjos, Ally Young, Montana Zevenbergen, Rylan Watts, and Brady Buxbaum were awarded a $25 Reynolds Gift Card, donated by Albin Land and Cattle. 


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