Fairview Alliance Church Blessing Sale To Benefit Matthew House In Sidney June 5

For 11 years the Fairview Christian and Missionary Alliance Church has held what has been labeled as Blessing Sale, instead of Big Garage Sale, because the items at the sale are not priced. Get a blessing, give a blessing, be a blessing is the concept and it has yielded many blessings for many causes over the years.

The beneficiary of the proceeds this year is Richland County Emergency Shelter Coalition, Sidney also known as Matthew House. RCESC, a private non-profit corporation, governed by a Board of Directors, representing a variety of local churches, businesses and community organizations, operates Matthew House. A shelter manager oversees the daily operation of the facility and also meets weekly with the residents to develop goals and to provide progress reports on their road to self-sufficiency.

Matthew House is a shelter dedicated to providing a safe, comfortable facility for those who find themselves temporarily homeless, in crisis or dispossessed. There is usually a waiting list.

RCESC is solely dependent on the generosity of others and at times it can be hard to fund all their needs. They are currently in need of replacing their boiler heating system, a very big-ticket item. They expect it to cost between $12,000 - 15,000. Our hope is to provide as much of that amount as we are able.

In keeping with their tradition, the Fairview Alliance Church will offer a huge variety of un-priced, used goods at the rummage sale, as well as freshly baked goodies for purchase. All donations will go directly to RCESC.

The sale will be held on Saturday, June 5, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. at the church located at 702 Western Ave., (across the street from Fairview High School) and in conjunction with the Fairview community garage sale day. Get a blessing by finding items you can use. Give a blessing by donating whatever you wish to Matthew House. Even is you don’t find anything you can use, you are still welcome to make a donation. You never know how the Lord will multiply the blessings of your generosity.

Community members can also contribute sale items in good condition by dropping them off at the church no later than June 2. The church can no longer accept used televisions or computer monitors. If needed, pickup is available by calling the church 406-742-5425.

Blessed to be a Blessing


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