A Sure Sign Of Spring: Girl Scout Cookie Booths

Easily Locate Nearby Cookie Booths With Your Zip Code

Billings, MT – March 25 - If you didn't have the opportunity to pre-order your Girl Scout Cookies-no worries! You can still purchase your favorites at Girl Scout Cookie Booths across Montana and Wyoming.

From local grocery to large box stores, Girl Scout Troops will hold booth sales beginning Friday, March 25 through April 17. Customers can find exact locations, dates, and times in their area two ways:

• Visit girlscoutcookies.org and enter their zip code

• Download the official Girl Scout Cookie Finder App on iTunes or Google Play 

The classic favorites of Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-si-dos, Trefoils, and Lemon Ups are available for $4/box. The newest cookie variety, Adventurefuls, is also available for only $4/box. This brownie-inspired cookie with a caramel flavored crème with a hint of sea salt will soon be a new favorite. Specialty cookies, including the gluten free variety Toffee-Tastics and Girl Scout S'mores are $5/box. 

If folks don't want to eat the cookies themselves, they can still support local Girl Scouts without taking cookies home. Through the Council Gift of Caring program, cookies are donated to hometown heroes including firemen, police officers, first responders, medical staff, and others Troops recognize as heroes. This is one more way Girl Scouts can make an impact in their community through the Cookie Program!

All of the net revenue raised through the Girl Scout Cookie Program-every penny after the baker is paid-stays with the local council and troops. Girl Scout troops set goals for how to spend their proceeds on program-related activities including travel, camp, as well as purchasing materials for community projects.


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