Ceynar Family Benefits Scheduled In Watford City & Williston

On July 7, the Ceynar family faced a devastating tragedy when a house fire destroyed their home and all their possessions. Dustin and Clay Ceynar sustained severe burns and were urgently flown to Minneapolis for treatment.

A Ceynar family benefit will be held on Saturday, Aug. 3, starting at 5 p.m. at the Upper Missouri Valley Fairgrounds, 519 53rd St. E, Williston.

There will be a free will spaghetti and alfredo dinner, lots of fun items auctioned off, fun games, music played by High Voltage Entertainment, plus a live auction.

The Ceynar Family Benefit Ride will be held on Monday, Sept. 2 and will include a 50/50 raffle, silent auction and benefit ride. The meeting point for this benefit is Watford City Eagles Club, 1904 Main St.

The ride route will start in Watford City then go to Lambert, Fairview, Williston, Alexander and end back in Watford City. The cost for this is $20 per riders and $10 per passenger. All bikes, cars and trucks are welcome.

Three bank accounts have been set up for the family. 1st International Bank and Trust, Cornerstone Bank and Dakota West Credit Union will accept any contributions, no matter how small, it will help the family rebuild their lives and cover medical expenses.

For more information or to donate for the auction call McKayla Stiyer at 701-866-8591. Donations will be accepted through August 1. All donations can be dropped off at The Pitt, House of Gainz, 1316 2nd Ave. W., Williston or Cornerstone Bank, 106 8th Ave. SE, Watford City.

If you have an item(s) you would like to donate to the silent auction you can reach out to Penny Lee Slagle, Tina Johnston or Andrew Steven Noel.

For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/thepitthouseofgainz/.


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