Watford City High School Hosts Red Ribbon Week Speaker

November 4-8th was Red Ribbon Week at Watford City High School orgainized by the WCHS Student Against Destructive Decisions Committee. In conclusion to our Red Ribbon Week, Watford City High School had the honor of hosting Shani. Shani discussed how important it is to keep up with your physical and mental health, as well as, looking for the signs of drug abuse in those around you. Through personal family history, students learned the signs of an overdose and active measures to take in the instance they encounter a friend or family member also being affected by drugs. Shani is the director of Mya's mission along with being on the board directors at the Providence House. Her goal is to provide narcan distribution boxes around North Dakota and the first one is going into Jack and Jill today! For more information visit the Mya's Mission Website: https://www.providencefoundationnd.org/grant-program

The Providence House also invited Mark Carlson, employee at the endeavor sober living facility to share his journey with drug addiction with our students. We are thankful to the generous sponsors and speakers that shared their stories with us.


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