Sidney High School Speech, Drama & Debate

The team travelled to Billings to compete in The Eastern invitational. Over 600 competitors from 30 schools representing class AA, A, B & C schools participated. 13 Eagles competed and the Sidney Eagles Drama Team came out in 2nd place. Drama Team results: Humorous Solo: Scottylynn Angelsey- 1st place, Serious Solo: Kyle Topp- 2nd place, Laura Elmore- 8th place. Classic Duo: Jaz Hodge & Luke Turek- 7th place, Kaitlyn Tibbits & Michael Stevens- 8th place. Speech Results: Extemp, Danny Johnson 3rd place, Original Oratory, Danny Johnson 3rd place, MPA Johren Carpenter competed, Impromptu, Shanyn Reidle Competed. Debate Team results: Shelby Reidle and Landon Jones Competed. The team looks forward to their home meet next weekend.


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