Too Many People Are Being Unintentionally Injured Or Killed In Crashes!


We can all share the roadways safely…semis and trailers, farm equipment, pickups, cars, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians, by following a few simple rules and being curtious to others.


Gravel Roads:

Nearly 90% of all Montana crashes are in a rural setting. Pickups have the highest fatality rate because occupants of pickups are less likely to wear seat belts and pickups and SUVs are more likely to roll over than passenger cars.

Gravel means less traction which means less control

Stay in established tracks and be prepared to slow down and move to the right if you meet oncoming traffic

Hills and curves can be especially dangerous on rural roads

Avoid sudden changes

Increase your following distance

Be prepared to yield the right-of-way

Match your speed to the road conditions

Allow more time to take corners or stop your vehicle

Remember the road is narrower and ditches are steeper

There is a greater chance of livestock or wildlife being on the road

Never drive distracted – i.e. texting, reading, eating, reaching for articles or taking your eyes off the road

Never ride in the cargo area of a vehicle

ATV Safety

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that no one under 16 years of age operate an ATV. Unless it is a side-by-side they are not meant for passengers. You should always wear a helmet when riding.

They have a high center of gravity, making them more likely to roll over and land on the rider and can weigh up to 800 lbs. Children account for 37% of ATV-related injuries and 28% of ATV-related fatalities each year. Always inspect your machine before you ride.

For more information go to: http://www.atvsafety.org. If you are interested in making a difference in our community, contact Richland County Injury Prevention Coalition.


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