Brian Jenks: A Weed Perspective at WREC Field Day

Dr. Brian Jenks will be discussing kochia control, weed control in dry conditions, and weed resistance at 4:25 p.m. CT at Williston Research Extension Center's Dryland Field Day, July 14.

Jenks is a North Central Research Extension Center weed scientist who conducts weed control research in most crops grown in western North Dakota. He and his team have been conducting research to help provide farmers with alternatives for combatting difficult-to-control weeds like glyphosate-resistant kochia, narrowleaf hawksbeard, horseweed and others.

"We have been screening green foxtail and wild oat populations from across the state for resistance to our grass herbicides. The amount of resistance across the state is significant. Some growers have wild oats that are resistant to most grass herbicides," said Jenks.

He will be discussing how kochia tends to thrive in dry conditions. He said, "The kochia problem has been compounded by the development of glyphosate resistance in some kochia populations. Thus, when we do a normal pre-plant or pre-emergence burndown with glyphosate, we must add another product to the tank to control kochia."

Jenks's research focuses around the goal of trying to understand which herbicides can be used to control specific weeds, as well as their optimal application rates and timing.

He and his research team are currently investigating the effect of fall herbicide applications for controlling winter annual weeds (e.g., hawksbeard, horseweed) as well as early spring-emerging weeds (e.g., kochia). Be sure to attend the Williston Research Extension Center's Dry Land Field Day to hear more from Jenks.


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