Local Girls Scouts Selling Cookies Feb. 4

The Girls Scouts will sell cookies Friday, Feb. 4-Sunday, Feb. 20. They have nine varieties this year. A new one Adventurefuls, and the traditional ones: Trefoils, Do-si-dos, Samoas, Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Girl Scout S'mores, Toffee-tastic and Lemon-ups. Adventurefuls is an indulgent brownie inspired cookie with caramel flavored crème and a hint of sea salt. They will be available for $4-5 a box. If you would like some Girl Scout Cookies and you do not get contacted by a Girl Scout, call Deb at 406-480-9236 and she will have a Girl Scout get in contact with you. The cookies will be in between March 16-22. There are 25 local Girls Scouts that can take your order. The proceeds stay local.


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