Letters To The Editor

Dear Richland County,

My name is Daniel Guzynski and I currently serve as the head of the Prosecution Services Bureau at the Montana Attorney General’s Office. I am the chief prosecutor for the State of Montana. I currently manage 13 attorneys and support staff and primarily handle the prosecution of homicide and child sexual assault cases. For 22 years, my focus has been holding offenders responsible for victimizing Montanans. All Montanans deserve a legal system that is just and protects our most vulnerable.

Over the past several years, I have had the pleasure of working with Charity McLarty and I am honored to endorse her as your next Richland County Attorney. Charity shares my values of protecting our most vulnerable citizens and ensuring Richland County remains a wonderful, safe place to work, recreate and raise a family. Charity’s civil, criminal, and trial experience is vital to ensure that offenders are held accountable. She has high integrity, is honest, devoted, hardworking and is the best candidate to be your next Richland County Attorney.

-Dan Guzynski

Support Charity McLarty

My name is Lance Lundvall. I am an attorney from Billings. I am writing in support of Charity McLarty in her bid to become the next County Attorney for Richland County. I have never spent any time with Charity socially and we are not friends. I am writing as someone that has worked against Charity in my capacity as a criminal defense attorney representing criminal defendants in your area. I have been practicing criminal law since 1997 and have had the opportunity to work against many prosecutors in many offices around the state of Montana. I have always found Charity to be a zealous advocate for the citizens of Richland County and victims of crimes and yet fair, ethical and always professional. She is always prepared in court and treats everyone with respect. I have also had the unique opportunity to work as a deputy county attorney in other counties in Montana. So I have some understanding of the inter-workings of a County Attorney’s duties. Charity has the qualities necessary to lead the Richland County Attorney’s Office. And while I don’t know her complete “resume”, I know she has worked in the legal field for several years, including as a private attorney handling many facets of the law including family law and criminal defense. Experience is such a critical and necessary quality for someone serving as the County Attorney. Charity has it. So it is without hesitation that I recommend to the citizens of Richland County that you should vote for Charity McLarty to become the next Richland County Attorney.

-Lance Lundvall, Billings, MT


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