Sidney Scramble Golf Tournament Held June 3

Sidney Golf Scramble Winners & Prizes

1st Gross

$225 per player: Kaleb Dasinger, Ryan Turek, Javier Lopez Chad Molden.

1st Net

$250 per player: Cory Baisch, Donnie Perry, Josh Prevost, Travis Morrill.

2nd Net

$200 per player: Reid Smith, Jeremy Graham, Melissa Graham, Ryan Bingham.


$125 per player: Mike Archambeault, Buck Archambeault, Gary Maczka, Chad Maczka,


$125 per player: Brock Schriver, Matt Schriver, Alyson Schriver, Gene Fisher.


$75 per player: Kraig Balcer, Anne Marie Balcer, Adam Smith, Sarah Smith.


$25 per player: Kasey Noble, Ron Noble, Teresa Noble, Jake Harr, Austin Mastvelten, Ryan Sipper, John Carlile. Wyatt VanBuren.


Longest Putt Made: John Reynolds, Farm Bureau Insurance

Short Drive: Simon Prewitt, Colleen Koterba, PGA

Closest Shot Off The Green: Kasey Noble, 2 sleeves Pro VI golf balls

Closest in 2 Shots: Marcus Mayer, $50 The Fringe

Closest to pin in 1 Shot: Donnie Petty, Bully Pulpit Golf Course

Longest putt made: Jordan Rood, $50 The Fringe

Closest in 2 Shots: Ryan Bingham, $50 Pro Shop

Longest Drive in Fairway (ladies only): Melissa Graham, $50 The Fringe

Closest to the pin in 1 shot: Dave Andersen, Bully Pulpit Golf Course

Longest Putt Made: Frank Loehding, 2 sleeves Pro VI golf balls

Closest to the Pin in 1 Shot: Kaleb Dasinger, Bully Pulpit Golf Course

Longest Putt Made: Jason Lamb, 2 sleeves Pro VI golf balls

Closest Chip (no putter): Ryan Bingham, 2 sleeves Pro VI golf balls

Closet to the Pin in 1 Shot: Matt Berg, Bully Pulpit Golf Course

Closest Shot off the green: Adam Smith, 2 sleeves Pro VI golf balls

Closest to 150 yard marker: Bryan McDowell, 2 sleeves of Pro VI golf balls

Longest Putt Made: Curtis Romeo, $25 Pro Shop

Longest Drive in Fairway (men only): Javier Lopez, Pro Shop $50.


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