Railway Traffic In Richland County

It has come to the attention of the Richland County Sheriff’s Office that the railways in Richland County have seen and will continue to see a higher volume of train traffic than normal. This is due to the rail companies having to divert trains due to a railroad bridge out on a major railway artery in central Montana. Many drivers pay little or no attention at highway and county road rail crossings they drive across day after day because they never see a train there. They don’t realize that freight trains do not run on set schedules and can be anywhere at any time going in any direction! At all crossing. We ask that you Always Expect a Train!!!!

The Richland County Sheriff's Office asks all Pedestrians and motorists to be alert at all railroad crossings. We ask those moving farm equipment from one area to the other to take extra time to make sure that it is clear to cross the railroad tracks. Be on the watch for trains. TRAINS CAN’T STOP QUICKLY!!


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