Letter to the Editor

I am writing to warn voters about the dirty politics being played in the primary elections in House District 29 and Senate District 15. Now in my eighth year as a state legislator including four years at House Majority Leader, I have had many occasions to observe the “dark” side of politics. However, this primary election has shocked even me with the lies and distorted voting records presented as facts in mailers urging voters not to support Speaker Pro Tempore Rhonda Knudsen in her race for SD15, and Miles Knudsen in his race for HD29.

Having worked side by side with Rhonda as well as spending hours discussing politics with Miles, it is mind boggling to me how the people perpetuating lies about them can even sleep at night. Rest assured, that Rhonda and Miles are two people that will always be honest with you, will work hard for you, and most importantly will represent the citizens of Montana with integrity. If you want to know where Rhonda or Miles stand on an issue, just ask them! They are accessible and willing to listen even if your point of view differs from theirs.

Please do not fall for the ridiculous false statements being made by supporters of their opponents. Do your homework, ask hard questions and vote for Rhonda Knudsen for SD15 and Miles Knudsen for HD29.

Sue Vinton

House Majority Leader


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