CDE Judging Season Has Begun: Watford City FFA Competes in Bismarck Jan. 4-5

Winter Leadership is a fun event that students can attend to learn more about what being a leader means and how they can make an impact in our very own community. As members of the Watford City FFA chapter return home from this conference held in Bismarck, Jan. 4-5, they are motivated to look for new ways they can get more involved in our chapter.

Livestock judging, Agronomy, and Ag Sales are all CDEs that members of the FFA are able to participate in and a great way to get more involved. A CDE, Career Development Event, is something that students compete in to gain college and career readiness. They are challenged by these competitions to develop necessary skills like critical thinking, teamwork, and decision-making.

The Watford City FFA has four teams to choose from; livestock judging, agronomy, agricultural sales, and our newest addition, horse judging. Livestock judging consists of judging animals such as beef, swine, and sheep and then presenting oral reasons as to why they were placed in the order they were. Agronomy tests the knowledge of students in the wide and ever changing field of agronomy from identifying plants all the way to developing a crop management plan. The ag sales competition is for students who like to persuade and are good at it too; sometimes we call them pushy but they’re truly the best ones for this competition. In this event, the student presents a product to judges and tries to convince them to “buy” it. Finally, brand new to our chapter this year we will have a horse judging team! It’s the same idea as livestock judging but horses are the only animal judged.

Our chapter will travel to many contests in places such as Bowman, Beulah, Killdeer, and Hettinger, just to name a few. This past weekend we brought ten members to compete at the North West Judging Contest in Stanley.

Results are as follows:

Livestock Judging: Kell Helmuth – 2nd top high individual, Connor Cross – 9th top high individual; 5th place as a team

Ag Sales: 3rd place as a team

Agronomy: 7th as a team


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