Dr. Adnan Akyuz is the North Dakota State Climatologist and professor of climatological practice at North Dakota State University. He also oversees the activities of the ND State Climate Office. Akyuz served as the American Association of State Climatologists (AASC) president, a professional, scientific organization between 2018 and 2020. He is a member of the Standing Committee on Climate Services Expert Teams with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
Jason Cook is an Assistant Professor in charge of the Montana State University spring wheat breeding program as of September 2021. Jason is originally from Big Sandy, MT and has been supporting MSU's wheat breeding efforts since 2015. The breeding program is focused on developing high yielding spring wheat varieties with excellent end use quality that are adapted to Montana's diverse climates.
Dr. Andrew Friskop is a ND native and completed his PhD in Plant Pathology at NDSU in 2013. He began his appointment as Cereal Extension Plant Pathologist in 2013 and manages an Extension-driven research program focusing on the management of small grain and corn diseases in the state. His primary research efforts in wheat are directed towards Fusarium head blight, ergot, bacterial leaf streak, root rots and fungal leaf spots.
Dr. Brian Jenks is the weed scientist for the NDSU North Central Research Extension Center in Minot. He has been with the NCREC since 1997 and is widely respected throughout the MonDak. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska.
Dr. Janet Knodel is the Professor and Extension Entomologist at NDSU. For 23 years, she has provided statewide program leadership for Extension Entomology, the ND Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program, and the NDSU Crop & Pest Report. Her outreach and research focuses on using IPM strategies for control of insect pests in field crops. She also studies pollinators, bees and butterflies, in gardens and field crops. Dr. Knodel has authored/co-authored more than 350 publications in professional, Extension, technical and trade journals including over 50 peer-reviewed papers and five book chapters.
Dr. Frayne Olson is the Crop Economist/Marketing Specialist with the NDSU Extension and Director of the Quentin Burdick Center for Cooperatives. Dr. Olson conducts educational programs focusing on crop market outlook and price analysis, evaluating alternative crop marketing strategies and the economics of crop contracting. As Director of the Center for Cooperatives, he teaches a senior level course on cooperative business management and coordinates the Center's research and outreach activities. Dr. Olson received his PhD from the University of Missouri in Agricultural Economics, and his M.S. and B.S. in Agricultural Economics from NDSU.
Travis "TJ" Prochaska is the area crop protection specialist at the North Central Research Extension Center in Minot. His role includes developing innovative Extension programing to serve a diverse clientele of producers, advisory groups, local Extension agents and industry. Overall, his programming will focus on crop protection management and education. TJ earned his bachelor's degree in organismal biology from Concordia University Nebraska, and his master's degree and doctorate in entomology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Dr. Upendra M. Sainju is a Sr Research Soil Scientist working in USDA, Agricultural Research Service, in Sidney, MT. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky, M.S. from University of Florida, and B.S. from University of Udaipur, India. He is renowned in developing soil and crop management practices that sequester carbon and nitrogen in the soil, reduce N fertilization rate and N leaching, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and sustain crop yields in dryland and irrigated cropping systems.
Guest Banquet Speaker: "Stop the Fighting on the Way to the Funeral Home!"
Jolene Brown is a walking-talking spokesperson and champion for the people of agriculture. She's a farmer in Eastern Iowa, contributor to Successful Farming magazine's popular family business column, author of two great books and an inductee into the prestigious CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame. Her worldwide audiences appreciate her fun-filled spirit and valuable information. She's on a mission to share leading-edge best practices, appreciation, laughter and celebration to increase productivity, profitability and peace of mind.www.JoleneBrown.com
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