5th Annual Sidney Lions Club Family Fun Trap Shoot Event Results, June 26

There were 27 shooters total, five of them were under 18. The winner of the Youth group was Wyatt McPherson, who won the $50 gift certificate to High Caliber.

The winners of the Adult Group were:

1st  Place: John Watkins, winning $500

2nd Place: Ben Lunderby, winning $300

3rd Place: Andy Lawrence, winning $200

Winners of the Raffle Drawing were:

Set of Tires Donated by Quick Change Oil: Matt Schriver

Churchill 12 Gauge Shotgun Donated by Johnson Hardware: Kathy Helmuth

Bulova Regulator Wall Clock Donated by John Stockhill Jewelers: Eric Beenken

$300 Meat Bundle Donated by Reynolds Market and the Sidney Lions Club: Marcus Skaggs


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