Richland County Fair Cattle Barn To Be Utilized As Indoor Sports Complex

Terry Roth is a volunteer for the high school softball program and he has led the community in building an indoor sports complex. Roth is the board of directors chairman and Travis Rosaaen is the secretary. Rosaaen is a volunteer for the summer softball league and also umpires high school softball games. "Initially plans were to get together a youth organization to find a spot to build indoor batting cages. With high school baseball starting up in Sidney this year, we were aware they also needed space", said Roth. He continued, "We all need a place for off-season work, as well as a place to hold clinics and workshops. On our board we have members from youth softball and baseball, as well as high school coaching staff." Roth tried to get this going by himself but as we know you need help. "The group effort is amazing", said Roth. "Our goal is to be able to provide indoor facilities for other sports with a more permanent venue, as we continue to raise funds. We know it's important to start small and work up from there. Our main goal is to have a safe space for kids to practice". Rosaaen added, "Watford, Williston, all of our larger size, local communities have their own indoor practice space. We've been getting out played by Williston and Watford because they have all-year practice facilities and can take advantage of camps and clinics. That's what we want." The building will be at the Richland County Fairgrounds and hopes to open by the end of February. "It's also a spot for adults to utilize for their adult softball league practice. We are collecting money for operating expenses and expansion. If you would like to help, please join the Facebook page called Richland County sports complex. The fairgrounds personal have been so accommodating to us. Everybody in this process has just been great."

Jodi Oakland, 406 Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy owner, states, "This will be a great addition to our community and especially our student athletes!" Her business goal is to assist clients in living an active and pain-free life. She is also happy to be a resource for community, coaches, athletes, and trainers.

Currently, this complex will help Legion baseball, high school baseball, high school softball, summer league softball, and youth program softball as well as the adult league softball programs. "It's great to teach our kids that softball can be a lifelong sport. I'm over 60 and still playing. Thank you to the Sidney community. All of the positive feedback and help is going to get us to the next step." explained Roth.


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