MonDak Seniors Provides Activities for Fairview Seniors

The mission statement of the MonDak Seniors is “Enriching Lives of Seniors through Connection and Creativity”.“The MonDak Seniors have created activities and events to give people 55 years and older a reason to get out and socialize. Combating the isolation of elder Americans is a significant problem in outstate Montana. Having a place to come and meet with others, learn new skills, and new things that are happening in the area is very important. MonDak Seniors include both Montana and North Dakota residents.

For those over 60, lunches are provided on Mondays and Wednesdays. Foot Care Clinic, Health Screenings and iPad classes are provided monthly. These are programs are arranged through the Richland County Commission on Aging.

Other programming available to the seniors has increased this year. Beside the usual card playing (Women – Hand & Foot, Men -Pinochle and Cribbage), They have added crafts, genealogy workshops, a book club, outside speakers, SHC Community Health Worker presentations and Zumba exercise videos. Plans are in the works for a water aerobics instructor at the Fairview Pool, computer classes and a game night.

Book Club meetings are held every third Thursday. Book Cub kits are ordered in through the Sidney-Richland County Library and then checked out on an individual basis, so there is no need to buy books.

Outside speakers are scheduled for both an afternoon sessions and evenings, so that the working seniors have an opportunity to come also. So far, speakers have been on adaptive medical equipment, energy savings and rebates and streaming. The July speaker will be on scams.

The MonDak Seniors have a Face Book page: Fairview MonDak Seniors. It is the best place to see what is happening with the group. If you have questions on any of the activities or have ideas on what you would like to see them offer, feel free to call Sue Duffey 507-995-6248.

The MonDak Seniors meet at the Fairview Senior Center which is located at W 5th St., Fairview, just west of the Hotel Albert.


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