Bring Home Lasting Memories With Wildfire Taxidermy

With fall and hunting season fast approaching, the hope of a hunt worth memorializing looms in the minds of those who participate. Though he hails from Coon Rapids, MN, Jim Beier currently resides in and operates his taxidermy business from Sidney, MT. For the last five years, he's provided locals with his services, ranging from deer head and replica fish mounts to full body skin mounts of all legal species.

Beier found his calling young, when at 14 he toured the Herter's decoy plant in Janesville, MN, where his uncle was employed. Their taxidermy department caught his eye, and his parents gifted him a special book that Christmas; the "Herter's Professional Course in the Science of Modern Taxidermy". From its pages, he taught himself how to preserve animals in their life-like forms, starting with a squirrel. He said, "It didn't turn out very well." But he continued to pursue his newfound passion, and a taxidermist neighbor took him on as an apprentice. Another neighbor taught him the proper procedure for birds, and he's been constantly improving his craft since.

In 1989, he opened doors as a commercial taxidermist. Seeing a customer's excitement, (especially young hunters and anglers), hearing their stories, and discussing the process are his favorite parts of the business. Passing on the tradition of helping those learning or willing to help others, he has offered a variety of discount programs over the years. While in Minnesota, he often mounted a child's very first fish pulled from local waters for free. Military, law enforcement, and volunteer fireman are currently offered a 20% discount on their pieces from him.

While he doesn't have favorite pieces, he has had some interesting requests and it seems taxidermy trends may be shifting. While many think of hunted animals as a primary choice, agricultural and companion animals are growing in popularity. He has produced both steer and horse mounts for customers; he even has a bull head meant for a mechanical bucking bull, with soft faux horns no less, in the works.

Beier's wait time varies, but he shoots for eight months to a year to return a finished product to his customers. This fall, as you wonder how to preserve the memories made in the pursuit of that long-watched buck, hard-sought elk, or even that beautiful day on (or in) the water, remember Wildfire Taxidermy, Sidney, is ready to make your trophy a permanent fixture in your home or office. Beier can be reached at 406-478-4638, and has offices at 305 Yellowstone Drive, Sidney, MT. He also has a Facebook page listed under Wildfire Taxidermy Studio.


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