A Sweet Sign Of Spring: Girl Scout Cookie Booths Begin Soon!

Easily locate nearby Cookie Booths with your zip code

Billings-Girl Scout Cookie season is a highly anticipated time of year for Montana and Wyoming residents. During this annual event, Girl Scouts unbox their future through the world’s largest entrepreneurial program for girls.

If you missed pre-ordering your favorite Girl Scout cookies, you can still indulge in your favorite treat by supporting girls at Cookie Booths beginning Friday, March 22. When you support Girl Scouts, you help girls flex their entrepreneurial muscles and acquire important life skills like goal setting, decision making, money managements, people skills, and business ethics.

From local grocery to large box stores, Girl Scout Troops will hold booth sales March 22 through April 14. Customers can find exact locations, dates, and times by visiting www.gsmw.org/findcookies. Simply enter your zip code to find a booth nearest to you.

Girl Scout Troops will feature up to nine varieties at their Cookie Booths this year: Thin Mints®, Caramel deLites®, Peanut Butter Patties, Peanut Butter Sandwich, Trefoils, Adventurefuls, Lemonades, Toast-Yay!, and gluten/allergen free Caramel Chocolate Chip. The Caramel Chocolate Chip may not be available at all booths. Cookies will sell for $5 per package with the exception of the Caramel Chocolate Chip, which will sell for $6 per package.

Customers may also participate in the Care to Share program. Purchase a package or two from your local Girl Scout Troop and they will donate them to their local hometown heroes, food banks, service organizations, and much more. 

If Cookie Booths are not available in your community, you can still support local Girl Scouts by purchasing online. Visit www.gsmw.org/findcookies to find a troop in your community, or support Girl Scouts of Montana and Wyoming’s outreach troops, which benefit underserved girls.

All of the net revenue raised through the Girl Scout Cookie Program—every penny after the baker is paid—stays with the local council and troops. Girl Scout troops set goals for how to spend their proceeds on program-related activities including travel, camp, as well as investing back into their community through service projects.

The Sidney Girl Scouts Troop 2433 will be selling Girl Scout cookies from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. March 23 at Reynolds’ Market, Sidney; and 4-7 p.m., March 29 at The Market, Sidney. They'll also be doing a walkabout in Savage from 2-4 p.m., March 24.


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