MonDak Area Stockgrowers Association Spring Meeting June 13

Join the MonDak Area Stockgrowers Association for an evening of family fun as it hosts its Spring Meeting on Thursday, June 13 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Sidney Livestock Market Center.

Dinner and Goat Roping are on the agenda. Meat will be provided by the Stockgrowers; those whose last name start with A-K, please bring a salad and those whose last name starts with L-Z, please bring dessert.

Goat Roping should provide some excitement for contestants and spectators alike. The contest will be divided into two age groups; 10 and under and 11 and up. Cost to Pick one/Draw one is $10. The event will also feature a community “Celebrity Goat Roping”.

On the agenda for the evening are the scholarship presentation; MSGA and NDSA updates; Cattlemen’s Ball Donation update; and a Steer Scholarship report.

Please RSVP to either MonDak Area Stockgrowers Facebook event; call/text 406-654-7228; or email [email protected].


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