2012 Ft Union Fellowship At Ft Union Trading Post National Historic Site

The Friends of Fort Union Trading Post and the National Park Service are offering a $1,000 Fort Union Fellowship for 2012. This annual fellowship is intended to support a qualified researcher wishing to explore and produce an article or monograph on an aspect of Fort Union trading post history, broadly defined. The fellowship is open to all applicants, students are encouraged to apply.

Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site commemorates a brief period of peaceful coexistence between Northern Plains Indians and Euro-Americans at the most important fur trading post on the Upper Missouri from 1828-1867. Here the Assiniboine, Crow, Blackfeet, among others, traded buffalo robes and other furs for trade goods such as cloth, guns, blankets, knives, kettles and beads.

Recipient of the award must be in residence at Fort Union, North Dakota, for a minimum of one week in 2012, preferably during the summer. A brief, written report on research completed must be received within two weeks of departure, the recipient forecasting the intended publication expected from his research.

Criteria for selection include:

1. Suitability of the Fort Union library, archival, or museum collections to the proposed research.

2. Applicant’s experience and training.

3. Potential for the project to make a significant contribution to scholarship on Fort Union.

4. Potential for the project to result in an article or book publication.

Applicants need not be professional historians or archaeologists, but must evidence experience as well as ability in historical research. Evaluation of applications will weigh academic training, previous publications, and the extent to which the recipient will examine new topics or offer new interpretations.

Applicants should submit a project proposal not exceeding four double-spaced pages, referencing applicability of the Fort Union Trading Post collections. Included should be a resume listing previous publications, if any; and the names, affiliations, and telephone numbers of three references capable of commenting on the applicant’s research skills and experiences.

Applications must be postmarked no later than Feb. 29, 2012, and be sent to:

Fort Union Fellowship Committee Fort Union Trading Post NHS, 15550 HWY 1804 Williston, North Dakota 58801. For additional information contact Loren Yellow Bird, Chair, Fort Union Fellowship Committee, 701-572-9083 or [email protected].

Announcement of the award will be made no later than March 31, 2012.


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