Whole-Food Nutrition Born from UM Research Now Available Across Northwest

A whole-food bar born from University of Montana research, ultra-racing trial and error, and Montana-raised beef, has hit the shelves of Fred Meyer stores across the Northwest.

Omnibar, a nutritionally balanced whole-food bar that uses beef for protein as opposed to soy or whey, was conceptualized and prototyped in Montana and refined using technology in Oregon’s Food Innovation Center.

The idea for Omnibar was developed after a conversation between Cooper Burchenal, Montana beef rancher and Brent Ruby, a UM research professor and director of the Montana Center for Work Physiology and Exercise Metabolism. Together, they realized that there was no whole-food nutition bar on the market that uses animal protein.

Two hours later, the duo became business partners with a sketch of a business plan and a vision to bring a beef-based bar to market. Burchenal was looking for a unique use for the beef from his family’s ranch, and Ruby, an endurance athlete fatigued by his own nutritional options, was interested in finding a more functional food bar.

“It’s basically a dinner plate in a bar,” Ruby said. “It combines Montana beef with nut butters, sweet potatoes, grains and dried fruits that’s shelf stable, nutritionally balanced and free of preservatives and artificial color and flavors.”

Along with providing a new, better, real-food option to groups like military personnel, wildland firefighters and even the Seattle Seahawks, Ruby sees Omnibars competing well with big-brand energy snack options.

“Omnibar meets the nutritional requirements of extreme athletes,” Ruby said. “But it also can provide really good solutions to avid recreationalists or even an on-the-go family.”

Omnibars can be found in Fred Meyer locations in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. They also are available in stores throughout Montana. To learn about where Omnibars are sold, visit http://omnibars.com/find-omnibar/ .

For more information on Omnibar, call Ruby at 406-396-4382 or email [email protected] or [email protected]. For more information on Fred Meyer carrying Omnibars in their stores, call Omnibar Sales and Marketing Director Anthony Krolchyz at 406-531-5258.


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