E-Rase Your E-Waste Set For Sept. 24-25 In Sidney, Fairview

It’s on! This year’s annual E-rase you E-waste event is set for Sept. 24-25 so clear out those closets and let us help you recycle all your damaged and obsolete electronics for free!

“We’ve had a number of questions from people asking about our fall event so we’re happy to let everyone know the dates have been set,” event Coordinator Heather Luinstra said last week. “It’s a little later in September than has typically been the case. Previously our fall e-waste collection events have all been held the weekend after Labor Day, but our e-cycler was tied up then so we’ve moved it back a couple weeks for this year.”

Sidney and Fairview are hosting joint events again this year, Luinstra noted. Collection times for the weekend event in Sidney are: 3-7 p.m., Friday, Sept. 24, and 9 a.m.- noon, Saturday, Sept. 25. The event is open to area residents throughout the MonDak. Fairview’s collection event is on Saturday, Sept 25 from 10 a.m.-noon.

In Sidney, the 2021 collection site is again the Richland County Shop, next to the Fairgrounds, while the Fairview collection site will be at the water station on 9th Street. Please note, drop offs can be made during event times only. As in recent years, Yellowstone E-waste Solutions out of Billings is the e-cycler for the event.

Additional information on September’s e-waste collection event will be available soon, according to Luinstra.

Now in its 17th year, the volunteer “E-rase your E-waste” program has recycled more than a half million pounds of damaged or obsolete electronics from this area, helping to preserve the life of the local landfill, and to protect the health of local citizens and the environment.


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