Eastern MT & Western ND 5th Graders To Experience Fun Educational Opportunity At 2024 Hard Spring Show Bread Fair

Through the months of February and March, thanks to the generosity of Northern Lights Honey, North Dakota Mills, and LaSaffre Corporation, and the producer of Red Star Platinum Yeast, the 41st Annual Wheat Show Bread Fair committee will be going into middle schools across the MonDak region to enter 5th graders who want to learn to make bread from scratch.

Until 2020, the Annual Bread Fair was part of the National Hard Spring Wheat Show. Since then the National Hard Spring Wheat Show Board continues to be integral in the decision making process of the bread fair, but the activity has evolved into a new format. In 2021, Extension agents decided to take the show on the road and travelled to the different schools that wished to participate. In the following years, school staff expressed a desire to continue the fair in this new format. This year, over 1,500 5th graders from over 14 counties in North Dakota and Montana will be able to make a loaf of bread at their schools from a portion of the 2,000 lbs. of white flour, 2,000 packets of yeast, 150 lbs. of McKenzie County produced honey, and canola oil donated by the sponsoring companies.

North Dakota is the #1 producer of three of the main ingredients of the bread: canola, hard red spring wheat, and honey. In North Dakota, Williams, Divide, Dunn, Lewis & Clark, McKenzie, Mountrail counties, Powers Lake, and White Shield schools will be participating. In Montana, Grant, Daniels, Dawson, McCone, Richland, Roosevelt, and Sheridan county schools will be participating.

At the end of January the extension agents from each of the counties of the participating school systems will be gathering at the NDSU Extension in Williston to assemble the bread kits for this educational and fun activity.


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