Hellevang To Speak On Drying & Storage Guidelines

Kenneth Hellevang will be speaking at the annual MonDak Ag Days in Sidney, at the Richland County Event Center, March 7-8. He will speak at 10:45 p.m. Thursday, March 7.

Ken's topic is "Drying and Storage Guidelines for MonDak Crops and Climate". Ken holds a Ph.D in engineering, is a registered professional engineer, a tenured NDSU professor and an Extension Engineer of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering. As such, he has provided education and technical assistance in grain drying and storage to farmers, agribusiness, and professionals across the U.S. and internationally since 1980.

He will be discussing what practices and current technology he recommends for the MonDak region crops and climate. An understanding of the fundamentals of drying and storage is essential to helping producers pivot their program according to weather patterns.

Having researched grain, bean, and oilseed drying and storage systems extensively, Hellevang has been recognized by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers for his work. He holds the grade of Fellow, the highest honor bestowed on a member, and in 2018 was recognized as Professional Engineer of the Year. His use of engineering to improve the handling and storage of grain and food products merited him the Society's Sukup Global Food Security Award in 2019.


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