Lonsdale Methodist Church Pastor Leads Cancer Prayer Service

She wears a bright pink dress with a large Art Deco, pastel-jeweled cross at her neck. Her nails are painted with a muted purple glitter polish. She makes it look stylish and pretty. She has soft blond hair (with a touch of grey), and speaks with a warm, pleasant voice. They call her Pastor Vicki.

For the last three years, Vicki Waddington has led a prayer service in Sidney, Montana for people touched by cancer-survivors, caregivers, family and friends.

Her hope is that it gives them a place to acknowledge the pains and difficulties that come with cancer, finding in community the comfort and assurance that others understand and walk with them. She especially hopes to convey that God is with them on their journey.

This service gives her an opportunity to interact with those who are fighting cancer- what it means and how it is to learn to be a caregiver. “They teach me more than I offer them.”

There are a significant number of people affected by cancer in the community of Sidney. “Cancer is a terrifying disease-the natural instinct is to draw into oneself. A loving community can offer help and support and show them it’s OK to ask for and accept help-in whatever form that comes.”

During the service, attendees are given a program with lyrics to songs and a blank index card, so that they can write down the names of people they wish to have included in prayers. They are welcome to go up to the altar and light a candle for hope, comfort, and peace.

The purpose in starting the Prayer Service was to find some way for the church to acknowledge the work of the Relay For Life; attempting to offer support, encouragement and strength to the Relay teams, and everyone involved. The service is given a few days before the Relay each year.

She believes in the power of intercessory prayer. “It’s OK to pray not only for people we know, but people we don’t know. Put yourself in their shoes for a while. If I were in this situation, what would I ask for? Comfort, release from fear, compassion, patience, the presence of the Healing Christ.” For Pastor Vicki, it’s all about love.

Vicki Waddington leads the congregation at Lonsdale United Methodist Church, 205 3rd Ave. SE in Sidney.


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