New Watford City High School Ribbon Cutting

Superintendent Steve Holen and Governor Jack Dalrymple have the honors of cutting the ribbon for the new "state of the art" Watford City High School. The dedication/open house was held Monday, Feb. 15. Tours of the new school were given by the student council members. Refreshments were served along with music by the WCHS Jazz Band. Participating in the dedication ceremony were School board members, Governor Jack Dalrymple, Senator John Hoeven, State Superintendent of Schools Kirsten Baesler, Watford City Mayor Brent Sanford, JLG Architects, Kraus-Anderson Construction, Construction Engineers, student council members, high school administrators along with many community members too numerous to name. The gymnasium opened its doors Monday evening for the District Championship Girls Basketball game and Tuesday, Feb. 16 was the first day of classes for Watford City students grades 7-12. (Photo by Kathy Taylor)


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