E-rase your E-waste set for Sept 8-9 in Sidney; CRT Recycling in Williston This Weekend

Save the date! E-rase your E-waste organizers in Sidney have announced the dates for their annual fall collection event: Friday and Saturday, Sept. 8-9. MonDak area residents are invited to bring their damaged and outdated electronic equipment to the event for free recycling. Now in its 13th year, E-rase your E-waste has recycled more than 427,000 pounds (213 TONS!) of electronic waste through 2016!

In announcing the fall collection date, organizers also reported that restrictions on recycling of certain items remain in place for the Sidney event, particularly regarding CRT monitors / TVs.

“Unfortunately, our e-cycler is still unable to take any monitors or televisions with cathode ray tubes,” event co-chair Jackie Couture noted. “But most other electronic devices are being accepted.” Those include computers and their components (printers, scanners, keyboards, flat screen monitors, etc.), cell phones, cameras, VCRs, cable TV boxes, fax machines, copiers, stereos, game boys and specialized electronic equipment used in businesses such as hospitals, law enforcement, manufacturing and even the oil field.

Option for recycling CRTs

There will be more information on the Sidney event coming soon, Couture said, but noted in the meantime that those with CRT monitors to recycle can properly dispose of them at another recycling event set for Williston this coming weekend. “They’re able to take the CRTs there,” she said, “but there is a charge running from $20 to $40 depending on the size of the monitor or television.”

“We’re letting everyone know about the ongoing restrictions on CRTs for our Sidney event now so that area residents with CRT monitors or TVs can take advantage of the recycling effort in Williston if they wish,” Couture said. “Our goal in developing “E-rase your E-waste” has always been to encourage and facilitate proper recycling of waste electronics to protect our environment and human health.”

The Williston event is being hosted by North Dakota Recycling Services at 409 1st Street West in Williston. Event times are Friday, Aug. 25 from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Central time and Saturday Aug. 26 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.


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