2021 MonDak Ag Days To Be Held In Hybrid Format March 4-5

MonDak Ag Days is an annual event that brings together the agriculture community to celebrate the industry. It provides educational opportunities for MonDak area farmers and ranchers and showcases the latest in agriculture related equipment and technology. 

This event is traditionally held in person, but due to circumstances related to COVID-19, it will be offered in a hybrid virtual/in person format.

"This year's event will be very different from the "traditional" MonDak Ag Days and Trade Show. We will not be having the banquet or the trade show but will still have educational sessions," explained MSU Richland County Extension Agent Tim Fine. 

The educational sessions will focus on weed identification; a 2021 spring weather outlook; the importance of using the correct amount of water in pesticide applications; small grain disease identification and management; are seed treatments effective/economical; comparing and contrasting liquid vs. dry fertilizer applications; alfalfa weevil ID, scouting, and control; why is wheat stem sawfly becoming a bigger issue; grasshopper problems experienced in 2020 and an outlook for 2021.

Private pesticide applicators can earn credits towards renewing their licenses. He said, "But more importantly than that, we hope that they learn something to ultimately improve their operation."

Although this event will be very different from previous years, Fine is excited that they are able to offer this event in a hybrid format. "I'm excited that we're going to be able to at least have some assemblance of normal with the hybrid virtual/in person sessions. Currently, we are restricted to approximately 25 people that can attend the event in person so hopefully there will be somewhat of a crowd."

For more information on the event, visit the MonDak Ag Days Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/mondakagdays.

Webinar Login: Will be the same for all 4 sessions


Montana Pesticide Credits awarded for attending the sessions:

Session 1 - 2 credits for categories 10, 30, 35, 39 and 60

Session 2 - 2 credits for categories 10, 30, 39 and 60

Session 3 - 1 credit for categories 10, 30, 33, 34, 37, 39, 44, 45, 55 and 60

Session 4 - 2 credits for categories 10, 30, 39, and 60. 1 credit for category 35


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