Artist Reception At James Memorial Art Center Nov. 10

Williston, ND - Now showing at the James Memorial Art Center is Marilyn Niewoehner’s “Adroit Enchantment” in Gallery I. This exhibition is sponsored by the North Dakota Art Gallery Association (NDAGA), a statewide service organization for non-profit museums and galleries, and supported in part by a grant from the North Dakota Council on the Arts, which receives funding from the state legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts.

About the Artist:

Marilyn Niewoehner is an artist who is well-known for her works in many mediums, but it is her expressive modern art paintings in watercolors, oils, and pen and ink that bring out some of her most dynamic creations.

Drawing on her home economics BS, she first started her artistic journey playing with color and texture on her sewing machine, thereby turning textiles into works of art.

In 2013, she picked up a paint brush and started experimenting with watercolor, acrylic and pastel. She finds her greatest freedom of expression with watercolor and pen and ink.

Her early introduction to creating art for the pure pleasure of it was from her mother. Her mother was an artist, and Marilyn would come home from school to see a wondrous painting her mother had created that day. In her experience, she thought that’s just what all mothers do. It wasn’t until high school that she learned not all mothers paint in the afternoon!

With a nod to her mother, Marilyn continues to bring beauty to the world with her avant-garde touch.

The James is also hosting a Community Abstract Art Show in Gallery II during the month of November.

Artwork from artists of all ages from the Williston community and across the state is featured in this juried exhibit.

Both exhibits will be available for viewing Nov. 6-Dec. 1.

Join us for a special reception to meet Marilyn and explore both exhibits this Friday, Nov. 10, from 6-7:30 p.m. Refreshments and light snacks will be served. Always free and open to the public!

The JMAC is a non-profit art center operated by the James Memorial Preservation Society in the historic original Williston Library building, which opened in February 1911. The James Memorial Preservation Society, in leasing the building from the city, assumed full financial responsibility for the maintenance and repair of the building and for exhibitions and activities held in it. Our mission is to share art and culture with the community of Williston, while preserving the historic building known as The James Memorial Art Center.

The James Memorial Art Center is located at 621 1st Ave. W, Williston. Gallery hours are Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and Friday 12-5 p.m. September-April, the gallery is open on Sundays from 1-5 p.m. It is closed on major holidays. Exhibitions, receptions, and other regularly scheduled events are free and open to the public.


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