MDT To Resume Construction On Fairview West Project

FAIRVIEW - The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Wickens Construction Inc. will resume operations on the Fairview West project in the coming weeks.

The Fairview West project is reconstructing six miles of Montana Highway 201 (MT 201), including two miles of new alignment north of Fairview. A new intersection is being constructed as part of the realignment, creating a new junction at MT 201 and Montana Highway 200 (MT 200) north of town.

Over the winter, the bridge subcontractor, Sletten Construction, completed the new Yellowstone Canal Bridge and Third Hay Creek Bridge structure in the new alignment section of MT 201.

“We’re happy to be back. We had a productive season last year and will hit it hard this spring,” said Wickens Construction, Inc. Project Manager Mike Lutes. “We appreciate folks taking the time to slow down and look out for our crews in construction zones. Their safety is really up to you all.”

Crews will begin this year’s work by replacing the Second Hay Creek Bridge. Motorists should expect reduced speeds on MT 201 as vehicles are diverted around the structure on a temporary bridge. The temporary bridge will be restricted to a single lane and controlled by timed signal lights. Other operations that will have minimal impact on traffic may resume throughout the project but are weather-dependent.

Project Manager Jerry Phillips, MDT Glendive District, would like to remind the public to watch for the ‘cone zone’ and workers on the highway when traveling during construction season. “Road crews spend their days working a short distance from fast-moving vehicles. While they make every effort to work safely, they count on motorists to pay attention, slow down, and be careful as traffic passes through work zones.” 

MDT is also constructing a roundabout at the intersection of MT 201 and MT 200, along with other intersection improvements. This includes the reconstruction of the intersection with County Road 350. Further enhancements will provide drivers with wider roadways and shoulders, better sight distance, updated and restored pavement markings, and improved signage to safely guide travelers to their destinations.

Visit the project website to learn more or view the project map:

Please reach out to Ella Currier at [email protected] with questions or comments.


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Rendered 12/01/2024 23:03