MSU Extension to Celebrate Centennial Anniversary in 2014

Montana State University Extension will celebrate its centennial anniversary in 2014 with special events around the state and continuing local education programs.

MSU Extension is a network of educators in all counties of the state and specialists on the MSU campus providing unbiased, research-based education programs and information to strengthen the social, economic and environmental well-being of Montana citizens.

MSU Extension has been educating in Montana’s local communities for 100 years. It may show up as after-school or 4-H youth programs, a master gardener course, or in-person education and service through webinars on personal finance; testing for animal forages or crop health; or food preservation classes.

Extension was created through the Smith-Lever act in 1914, which provided for cooperative agricultural extension work at the land-grant colleges that were established with the Morill Act of 1862. The educational partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the nation’s land-grant universities extends research-based knowledge through a state-by-state network of Extension educators.

The original Smith-Lever charter statement remains true after 100 years, that the purpose of Extension is “better farming, better living, more happiness, more education, and better citizenship for the “entire country.”

To celebrate the centennial, MSU Extension will have special events in May and October. County Extension offices may host open houses or events throughout the year to celebrate with communities by highlighting Extension’s 100 years of extending knowledge and changing lives. 

For more information on events and local Extension learning opportunities in 2014, visit  or call your county Extension office.


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