Business Plan Workshop Jan. 20, Sidney

Do you have a business idea that sits in the back of your mind waiting for you to take action? Well, wait no more!

Register for one of our many Business 101 classes and learn how to win $5,000 for your start-up or business expansion!

Join the Wolf Point SBDC for a Business 101 class in your area. This business planning and strategies workshop will walk through the critical structures, available tools, and why money is necessary before, during, and after opening your doors.

The in-person class addresses turning a hobby or passion into a business. We will discuss how to approach writing a business plan and how you could win $5,000 for your start-up or expanding business. You must be registerd to attend class.

Business Planning 101 Class will be 1-3 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 20 at Richland County Extension, 1499 North Central Ave., Sidney, MT. To register contact Quincy Walter at 406-650-2524.


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