Jamie Carlsen Named ROI Employee Of The Year

Jamie Carlsen was recently named Richland Opportunity Incorporated's (ROI) Employee of the Year. Carlsen is the Supported Living Manager and has worked for ROI for almost seven years. All of her duties involve helping individuals live independent and satisfying lives and include assistance with bill pay, setting up appointments, transportation in Sidney and out-of-town daytrips to surrounding towns such as Williston. She even prepares meals for a couple individuals that don't like to cook simply because she enjoys doing it. Carlsen has ten people that she lends a hand to in day-to-day tasks and says that any of those people would be more than willing to help her in any way they could. "You become close with the people you work with; they become like family. We work here because we care about our people and we want their lives to be the most that they can be by teaching them how to live their own lives. At some point it ceases to be a job and just becomes what you do," said Carlsen adding that she is available anytime and can always be called when needed. "The office is for paperwork. My real job is outside of the building in the community and the community is wonderful with our folks and does a great job looking out for them, too."

This is the first time that she has been named Employee of the Year, but humbly admits that everyone at ROI should've accepted the award right along with her because everyone is equally important to make ROI what it is.

"During the oil boom we couldn't get help but the slowing economy has now eased the employee crunch; everyone here has stepped up, stuck with it, and they continue to do a great job," she commented. "ROI is a great place because of everyone's hard work."

Carlsen, who was born in Anaconda, MT and has lived in Sidney for the last 32 years, spends her downtime with her husband, son, daughter-in-law, and their son who live in Sidney as well. Having her grandson around to play with is quite possibly her favorite kind of entertainment and she admits that as long as no one gets hurt and nothing is destroyed, it's pretty much ok with grandma.

"This is a good grandma-job," she laughed, "you always feel needed!"

In the entrance of ROI, these words are painted on the wall: In this place and with these people I feel safe. This isn't just an idea Carlsen takes up when she walks in the door, but an attitude that is inherently within her.


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