Still Time To Donate "Fill The Bus" School Supply Drive Sidney

Help the Boys and Girls Club distribute school supplies to families in need this school year.

The Boys & Girls Club of the MonDak is doing a “Fill The Bus” drive to provide school supplies for local students. They are in need of donations to help fill their bus to assist local families with the high cost of school supplies.

School supplies that are needed include glue sticks, crayons (8, 16 and 24 count); 6 pack play doh; black fine-tip dry erase markers, Kleenex, baby wipe refills, backpacks, water bottles, non-perishable/nut free snacks, 1 lb. dry beans, gallon freezer, snack, quart, and sandwich sizes Ziploc bags, pencil boxes or bags, pencil top erasers, red pens, Clorox wipes, wide ruled loose leaf paper, 1” binders, large pink erasers, child and adult scissors, colored markers, blue, yellow, pink and green highlighters, colored pencils, 8 oz. bottle Elmers glue, expo markers, wide rule spiral notebooks, pocket folders, 12” rulers, standard and metric, non-bendable; wide rule composition notebooks, #2 pencils, dry erase markers, earbuds or headphones, colored dry erase markers.

Partnering with the Boys & Girls Club of the MonDak for this promotion is MT Bare Cave. They have bags made up for $25, which if you purchase to donate to this event, you will receive a coupon for your next visit to MT Bare Cave.

The Sidney Montana Dragging Main will also be holding an event on Friday, July 28 to help collect donations. Make sure to watch the Club’s facebook page for more information to come.

You can drop off your donations at the Boys & Girls Club, 201 3rd Ave. SE, Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., by Aug. 4.

The supplies will be distributed at the Back to School BBQ, Aug. 7 and 8, 5:30 p.m. at the Boys & Girls Club Yard.


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